Review Policy



For your convenience, we have provided an English translation of this page.
This translation is for informational purposes only, and the definitive version of this page is the Italian version.

Transparency and Interest in people are our fundamental Values. For this reason we invite you to read the 9 paragraphs of the Guidelines.

Jopla aims to help Professionals, Families and Companies to build a more inclusive world of work and society and, in particular, to foster honest professional collaborations that enhance people and skills.

We are always looking for new ways to improve the Jopla experience

For this reason, an authoritative review platform open to all its users is made available on which it is possible to read the experiences of others, share their own and enter into dialogue with Pros and Customers, helping them to improve.

We ask you to respect and follow these guidelines and our Terms of Use to help maintain the character of collaboration and reliability that makes Jopla the most complete and competent professional matching platform.

We love sharing our users’ experiences and are convinced that together we can make the world a better place.

1. General policy

Reviews provide useful information to help yourself and other users.

They are essential for deciding what is right for your needs, and for helping to improve.

Reviews should be polite, honest and sincere comments.

We have a zero tolerance policy for any reviews posted for the purpose of deceiving or misleading.

We do not allow anyone to use reviews as a form of promotion.

Below are some types of reviews – to be considered purely indicative and not exhaustive – not allowed and which will be removed:

• Reviews written in exchange for monetary and non-monetary rewards.

• Negative reviews from competitors.

• Positive reviews in exchange for more positive reviews.

• Reviews containing second-hand or hearsay information (unverified information, rumors, or quotes from other sources or the opinions / experience of others).

• Reviews that do not refer to professional experience or work.

• Reviews that contain obscenities, foul words, libel or language not appropriate for a public forum.

• Reviews that contain advertisements, prices, spam, or references to products or offers from other websites or competitors.

• Presence, in reviews, of surnames, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, links to other sites and contact information.

• Critical or malicious comments on other reviews, on the site or on people.

• Pictures.

Jopla constantly monitors compliance with all rules and is careful to keep the experience on its platform intact and sensitive.

2. How Jopla reviews work

Jopla has created a special platform for user reviews.

Pros and Customers have the opportunity to vote and publish reviews in a bidirectional way.

Reviews can only be made once the professional service has ended and can be private or public.

All users then have the option to:

• express an evaluation in the form of a vote

• write a public review;

• read a public review;

• reply to a public review

• write a private review;

• read a private review;

• report the review received from another user to Jopla.

Pro and Client have the opportunity to express an evaluation in the form of a vote and write a public review once the job and / or job is completed.

The review activity can be carried out once the work has been completed and within 7 days of its end.

Jopla undertakes to send a reminder to both affected users between the first day and five days following the completion of the work.

The review is published when 7 days have passed since the end of the service or work being reviewed.

Once the review is published, the Pro and Client receive and can read the review.

There is no obligation to take any further action on the reviews.

Users will always be able to respond with a response within 30 days of the review being written.

Users will also be able to report directly to Jopla what is necessary in relation to a review that is requested to be removed as it does not respect the rules established by Jopla. In this case Jopla undertakes to follow up on each review report.

3. How Jopla’s evaluations work

To calculate a user’s star ratings, Jopla uses the averages of the ratings made by users who have worked with that user

3.1 Rating of Professionals

The assessments that can be assigned are made in a positive key for the person and are always aimed at facilitating the improvement of professional performance.

The evaluations are divided into the following areas:

• OVERALL EXPERIENCE is the final result of the rating that is processed on the mathematical average of the ratings in the individual categories.

• COMMUNICATION [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• KINDNESS [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• RELIABILITY [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• FLEXIBILITY [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• COMPETENCE [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• MOTIVATION [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• SAFETY [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

3.2 Customer ratings

The assessments that can be assigned are made in a positive key for the person and are always aimed at facilitating the improvement of professional performance.

The evaluations are divided into the following areas:

• OVERALL EXPERIENCE is the final result of the rating that is processed on the mathematical average of the ratings in the individual categories.

• COMMUNICATION [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• KINDNESS [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• RELIABILITY [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• FLEXIBILITY [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

• SAFETY [from 1 (minimum) to 5 (maximum)]

4. When to write a review

A review can be written in correlation with a recent and authentic experience (performance and / or work).

Reviews represent an opportunity to share personal and professional experiences with other Pros and to offer feedback to Customers.

All experiences, large or small, deserve a review in our opinion.

However, the review can only be written after the conclusion of the service and / or work and, at the same time, it is useful when the experience is still recent, within 7 days of its conclusion ..

The sharing of experiences allows other users to imagine any professional experience and, at the same time, if well written, offers valuable and updated feedback for the receiving user.

5. How to write a review

Here are our tips on how to write great reviews.

5.1 Provide useful and constructive feedback

A good review includes enough detail to give others an idea of ​​what happened. It is important to specify the factors that contributed to making the experience positive, negative or average.

You can also express an opinion on the aspects that are appreciable and on those that should be improved.

But always keep a friendly and courteous tone!

5.2 Mention several elements

Always better to increase the relevance of the review by providing an overall picture of the experience, while focusing on a single element offers a limited image to readers.

5.3 Provide accurate, specific and honest descriptions

A review is useful if it is specific in the descriptions, even if there is no rule against writing reviews that contain only a handful of words.

We recommend writing based on your personal perspective, keeping to the facts and giving an honest account. This helps readers put themselves in the shoes of the reviewer.

5.4 Don’t write fake or biased reviews

You can’t make up experiences and you can’t write reviews on behalf of other people.

5.5 Respect others

We expect everyone to contribute respectfully to our platform. Therefore, everyone should behave appropriately and professionally.

You may not post harmful, discriminatory, defamatory or vulgar content.

You cannot lie, intimidate, blackmail, threaten or engage in illegal behavior.

5.6 Do not disclose private information

Reviews are public.

For this reason it is not a good idea to enter sensitive or personal information of your own and it is never allowed to include other people’s data.

We refer to surnames, telephone numbers, postal addresses, email addresses and any other data that could be used to track, identify, contact someone or to use their identity.

It is essential that everyone’s privacy and security are respected and protected.

5.7 Do not post promotions

You may not write reviews containing promotional references, marketing materials or links.

This is not the place to sell products, offer discount codes, start action groups or find a soul mate.

6 Edit or delete the review

The reviews belong to their author.

Reviews cannot be edited.

Once published, a review can only be deleted by the author by writing to and including the reasons for the request.

7 Report reviews

Everyone’s contribution is important and appreciated.

Jopla intends to protect the platform from problematic reviews also thanks to user reports.

It is possible to report reviews that you believe do not respect the rules, always maintaining an attitude aimed at fairness and consistency, by writing to and including the reasons for the request.

The reported reviews will be checked to verify any violation of the guidelines and the provision of measures if necessary.

8. Consequences for non-compliance with the guidelines

While recognizing the importance of freedom of expression, it is nevertheless considered necessary to regulate the contents and monitor compliance with these guidelines.

Jopla reserves the right to monitor and verify the published content, and to automatically remove reviews and / or evaluations that are not in line with its policies and these indications.

In the event of a review being reported due to a potential violation of the rules, Jopla reserves the right to temporarily place the review offline and, following an internal and unquestionable evaluation, to leave it public or delete it.

If, on the other hand, an improper use of the Jopla platform is found, it may decide to remove the reviews and / or block or delete the author’s account.

9. Contacts and communications

For all information relating to the review platform, to report suspicious reviews or reviews not in line with these indications, the User can do so in the “Reviews” section on Jopla FOR YOU or on the Jopla PRO App.

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